Bright Cities ends 2020 with active participation in the fight for smarter cities
The platform already accumulates several partners in Brazil and worldwide, and is preparing to have an even more transformative 2021
The platform already accumulates several partners in Brazil and worldwide, and is preparing to have an even more transformative 2021
Improving the quality of life is the main objective of smart cities, it is people – not technology – that are at the center of the debate
The platform already accumulates several partners in Brazil and worldwide, and is preparing to have an even more transformative 2021
Improving the quality of life is the main objective of smart cities, it is people – not technology – that are at the center of the debate
Studies show that our air quality can influence the risk of death from coronavirus
Assegurar o acesso confiável, sustentável, moderno e a preço acessível à energia é o sétimo objetivo da Agenda 2030 para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável
Estudos realizados nos Estados Unidos e na Europa mostram que a qualidade do ar pode influenciar o risco de morte pelo coronavírus
Know the strategies and solutions employed by Aracaju/SE to deal with the pandemic
Conheça as estratégias e soluções empregadas por Aracaju/SE para lidar com a pandemia
The universal management of drinking water and sanitation is essential to reduce the risks of coronavirus
A gestão universal de água potável e saneamento é fundamental para reduzir os riscos do coronavírus
Fundamentais para avaliar a qualidade dos serviços públicos ao longo dos anos, a coleta e a análise de dados urbanos são grandes aliadas das cidades
The collection and analysis of urban data are great allies of cities and fundamental tools to assess the quality of public services over the years
Platform is researching and including in its database the initiatives that can help cities fight the global pandemic
Plataforma pesquisa e inclui em seu database iniciativas capazes de ajudar as cidades a combater a pandemia global
A new survey carried out by Bright Cities platform shows that only 10% of municipalities meet the WHO recommendation on the number of hospital beds