We are a platform that generates diagnostics and roadmaps for cities so they can become smarter every day
We are passionate about public management and we believe that any city can become smarter by using solutions that have great impact on the daily lives of managers and citizens.
To make this goal a reality, we created Bright Cities: a platform that helps the public administration to become more efficient, innovative and focused on citizens. To learn more about our work, you can read the presentation below:

In one sentence, what service does Bright Cities deliver?
An easy and quick tool that diagnoses the efficiency of cities and indicates the best solutions to improve it and make it smarter every day.
What is a Smart City?
According to ISO’s official definition, a Smart City is one that “provides social, economic and environmental sustainability results and responds to challenges such as climate change, rapid population growth and political and economic instability”. Its goal is to always guarantee better public services and quality of life for people. Learn more about the concept here.
Who is Bright Cities?
Our team is formed by researchers in Smart Cities, who help managers and public administrators to make their management and governance more efficient through the use of data and smart solutions. Bright Cities holds a software registration and is currently acquiring a patent for its platform. To learn more about our work, check out our institutional video.
How was Bright Cities created?
Bright Cities platform is the result of researches developed for more than five years by researchers from UNICAMP, who saw in the absence of tools to support public management the opportunity to create a technology capable of helping any city to become more intelligent. Its platform was officially launched in 2018, in Barcelona, during the Smart City Expo World Congress – the largest event in the world focused on smart cities and urban solutions. Check out our launch video!
How does our platform works?
Bright Cities is an online platform that develops diagnostics and solution roadmaps for cities. By using it, city administrators have in hand the necessary information to prepare strategic plans, produce government plans, monitor the performance of their municipality and adopt initiatives capable of solving the most different urban challenges. The exclusive analysis methodology of Bright Cities platform was developed by a team specialized in cities.

How does Bright Cities’ diagnostics work?
All diagnostics developed by Bright Cities are available online and generated as soon as the platform is accessed.
Using data from 160 indicators, a city’s performance is evaluated based on ten areas of urban management: Governance, Education, Health, Urbanism, Environment, Security, Mobility, Entrepreneurship and Technology and Innovation.
All indicators used by the platform are aligned with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN’s Agenda 2030 and with ISO technical standards. The data, captured and updated automatically, are obtained exclusively through official sources and from public databases. Examples include the World Bank, the UN, the country’s statistical institutes, among many others.
Currently, information from more than 30 thousand cities is gathered on the platform – 5,000 of them are Brazilian, 500 from the United States and 70 other cities around the world -, making it possible to draw comparisons and benchmarking cases across the globe.

How does Bright Cities’ roadmaps work?
Once the diagnosis of a city is made, Bright Cities platform then lists the urban areas that can be improved and suggests a roadmap of solutions where the most appropriate services and technologies available in the market are presented to meet the identified demands.
Bright Cities is today the largest database in the world in smart solutions for cities, all pre-evaluated by our team and already implemented in other places in the world. The platform has registered in its database more than 1,000 initiatives focused on solving urban problems, all of them recognized by criteria such as time of implementation, cost and impacts generated.
The platform also functions as a marketplace for urban solutions, where suppliers have exclusive access to indicators about cities and can identify which ones need their services.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Why should I use Bright Cities platform?
Bright Cities platform is the fastest and easiest way to diagnose the public administration’s challenges and to provide the most efficient solutions to solve them. Its technology offers:
As a tool that collects and consolidates data from all areas managed by the public administration, the platform helps governors to unify the most relevant information is just one place. Offering a holistic view, data that were previously inaccessible or dispersed in different sources and portals are gathered and updated in one place to enhance its consultation and analysis;
With the platform’s online and intuitive interface, managers themselves can update a city’s data, allowing them to monitor and measure management impacts over time;
The indicators used by Bright Cities platform are included in ISO’s technical standards, the International Organization for Standardization. When diagnosed, cities can discover their real performance in relation to these guidelines and align themselves with a global evaluation standard;
All indicators used by the platform are aligned with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN’s 2030 Agenda. Thus, diagnosed cities are able to measure how close they are to achieving each of the goals.

How can I access the platform?
There are two options for paid plans for public managers:
Standard plan: delivers a complete diagnosis of the city and a solution roadmap;
Premium plan: in addition to the diagnosis and solution roadmap, the plan provides consulting hours with our team of experts and exclusive content.
Access the platform and learn about the plans.
The platform allows a free registration for smart solution providers, ensuring that their services and technologies are offered to our public of city managers and administrators. We also offer a mapping of potential city clients so that suppliers can expand their operations worldwide. Know our plans here.
Bright Cities platform provides general diagnosis of cities free of charge for everyone – just search the city’s name our homepage. After a simple registration, you can also get access to the main priority actions of the city. We also provide free access to our database of smart solutions.

Which cities can use the platform?
Cities of any size or nationality can adopt the Bright Cities platform to become smarter. In Brazil, our partners range from metropolises such Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia, Aracaju, in Brazil; and smaller municipalities such as Vila Nova dos Martírios (MA), with 10,000 inhabitants in Brazil.
How can I contact Bright Cities?
To talk with us, you can write to contact@brightcities.city or, if you prefer, you can call +55 19 3397 4022 or +55 19 98175 1088.
How can I learn more about Bright Cities’ work?
Follow our work on Instagram, News Platform, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. You can also sign up for our newsletter to learn all about smart cities.